We take Fawn, our 6-pound dog, for a walk twice a day. Except for winter. And cold fall and spring days.
On our route we pass a free library, set up by our town, right next to the park. I'm so obsessed with this sweet little thing and I get a ping of excitement every time we inch closer to it. What might I find? Will there be some new books?
Of course, I donate books we are no longer using as well. I always imagine some person getting just as excited as me to find the perfect book. For FREE!
I wasn't familiar with these little libraries, but it turns out this is an entire movement! The organization Little Free Library started this movement to increase access to books. I was shocked to know (stat from their website) that more than 30 million American adults can't read or write past a third-grade level. That's the entire population of Canada!
I now look differently at this mini house holding the craft of so many authors. It holds possibility, creativity, inspiration, and adventure. It holds stories that will lift people and educate them. How awesome is that!
Do you have one in your community? Want to make one? They have a great book you can order that helps to support their mission.